Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I've Decided to Export My Blogging to a Third Party

Check out this link for a little "story" I made about myself.

<script src="http://storify.com/natejensen/stories-that-could-be-about-me-but-arent.js"></script><noscript>[<a href="http://storify.com/natejensen/stories-that-could-be-about-me-but-arent" target="blank">View the story "Stories That Could Be About Me But Aren't" on Storify]</a></noscript>

Monday, April 25, 2011

Fun Things to Do in Portland

Well whenever I am visiting a new city I want to know what the locals do.  The locals know the cool, fun, non-descript activities to do.  Here is my list for Portland, OR:
1. Walk NW 23rd and check out the sweet shops
2. Eat Phil's Meat Market bento--it is only open for lunch
3. Get Voodoo Doughnuts--the best
4. Walk the waterfront and see the water fountains--best in summer.  Also jump across the street for bomb food carts.
5. Look around at Powell's bookstore

Hey that's my list for now.  Enjoy.  I wish people did this more often.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


I've been thinking a lot about education lately.  In my opinion there are a lot of misconceptions.  Every once in awhile some school will announce a 16 year old graduate.  What a waste of an education.  Education is more than just factoids, but an opportunity to work out the muscle between your ears.  Why would you want to rush through school?  Jobs stink.  The average person goes through 7-8 jobs in their lifetime.  It would be more advantageous to learn how to learn and prepare yourself for job skills than to hop around from job to job.  Most of the learning that occurs is on job.  So what is the point of an education?  It helps you learn faster and more effectively.  Plus learning how to learn will transfer with you to any job field, while job specific skills will not.  I really do not like it when students say the have gotten their GE's out of the way or that they seek for easy classes.  What a waste.  Not every student who graduates received a quality education.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Charity Never Faileth

I've had a bad week.  On Sunday I offered to pick up a friend from the airport.  I thought to myself, "Self, you are so kind and thoughtful."  However, as I rounded Thanksgiving Point I hit some ice and spun into the barricade.  My car still ran but it is not pretty.  I would be embarrassed to drive someone in it.  And it is going to cost some major dough to get it street legal again.  It is way too expensive to repair the body damage so I am going to use a busted car for the rest of my life.  So the assignment to brighten someones day was a real treat.  I had just finished making a powerful batch of burrito mix when my roommate walked in with two friends.  The polite thing to do in this situation is to offer to share with everyone or put it away and not eat in front of others.  Since my car is busted I am a bit iffy on getting to the grocery store, so my brain told me to save it all for myself.  However, I realized this was my chance so I shared with everyone.  And you know what, after everyone ate I still had leftovers.  Blessed day.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I am thankful for ...

I am thankful for ...
A lot.  Right now I am watching college basketball on a big screen HD TV.  Very thankful.  Yet, I am doing homework on my laptop.  Very not thankful.  I am thankful for Mom's cooking.  Tonight I had awesome lettuce wraps and fruit salad.  Yummy.  But I am not thankful for the bursting waistline.  I am thankful for my family.  But I am not thankful for the numerous interruptions while I'm trying to get work done (my Mom just started to rub my arm while I was typing).  I am thankful for the medicines I am taking to ease my cold.  Yet I am not thankful for the cold that causes me to take the pills and tablets.  I am very thankful for the upcoming Turkey Bowl.  Football is thanksgiving.  However, I am not thankful for the bruises and hurt feeling after the customary neighborhood game.  Yes, I have much to be thankful about right now.  Now back to the UConn Kentucky game ...

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Library Modifications

The HBLL is pretty good.  Harold would be proud, but would he be happy?  I think that the Library could undergo some major changes to increase happiness inside its walls.  First, the uncomfortable chairs have to go.  I don't care where.  Just look at what people own at home for a good idea of what people prefer.  The wooden chairs with no cushion are lame and painful.  I am sitting in one right now.  My lower back is tingling.  If only I had a cushions or a chair that adjusts to the sitter.  Second, watching people take naps at desks is gross.  Reminiscent of downtown Portland with a park bench full of bums.  People need to get sleep during the day.  Let's get real.  Provide something that is more appropriate and still sanitary.  Beds would be perfect but not practical.  I think bean bag chairs or cots would do the trick.  Also a room with dim lights and sound proof walls would be fantastic.  Third, students want to eat and study.  The main floor area is not enough.  Some people want to eat and use a computer.  Others want to eat in a quiet zone.  There needs to be some sort of place for those activities.  Lastly, new funding will be required to make all these changes.  Bam, put a snack shop in the Library.  This will allow students to get snacks/sandwiches and even encourage students to use the Library due to the food.  Cecil, if you really are my homeboy you would approve these changes.
Your Fav Student,

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Big 3

Synergy, synergy, it's all about the synergy - D Wizzo

Miami could take a lesson from this Provo rapper.  Their talent level far surpasses any other team.  3 perennial All-Stars in their prime on the same team?  That is crazy good.  Imagine the Celtics but 10 years younger with no Rondo.  That is scary good.  However, Miami still finds a way to lose despite superior talent.  In order for a team to succeed they need to come together and become a team.  A team can beat a group of individuals any day.  For example, New Orleans whooped the Heat last week with only 1 superstar.  They were able to do that due to their teamwork.  My favorite NBA champions of all time are the 2004-2005 Detroit Pistons.  They won with a solid roster of borderline All-Stars against 4 Hall of Famers.  Yes, the Pistons beat the Hall of Fame LA Lakers roster of Shaq, Kobe, Karl Malone, and Gary Payton.  Talent does not mean everything in a team sport.