Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Intramural Flag Football

I enjoy intramural sports.  I like playing anything really.  But I hate it when the sports is changed irrationally.  Flag football is the worst; the rules of the game are ridiculous.  Flag football doesn't even resemble the type of football you play during Thanksgiving weekend with your friends.  From my experience everyone plays the same way.  It is equivalent to two hand touch only that to stop a player you pull the flag rather than touching with two hands.  Simple.  Why did BYU have to change something that has been perfected over time?  Rules such as flag guarding, stripping, contact, and hosts of others change the game so much so that entirely different skills sets and strategy apply.  It is impossible to block someone without touching them.  In order to not get called for flag guarding one has to run like Frankenstein, arms extended outward.  Please let us play flag football like we do during Thanksgiving weekend.

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