Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Entrance

Entrances are important.  The whole red carpet scene is a big deal.  The dresses, who's hot and not, worst and best dressed, pre-award ceremony fights, you gotta love it.  The entrance even goes beyond actors or musicians.  The WWE loves the big entrance.  The music and fireworks engage the crowd immediately.  Who can forget Hulk Hogan and "I Am the Real American"?  Classic.  Before the wrestler even enters the mat everyone knows who is coming.  LeBron has a pretty good entrance.  C'mon you know the whole throw the chalk in the air routine.  It is so well known that other companies parody it.  Tonight I saw John Wall's entrance.  It was his first game in D.C., the number one pick and face of the franchise, and he does the dougie.  Yeah, the dougie for like 30 seconds.  Why would you choose a dance craze for your entrance?  Pretty soon that song is going to be dumb.  And there is a rule that you can't have more than one entrance.  It is a one shot kind of thing.

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