Monday, October 18, 2010

The Greatest

Very few people have been called the greatest.  A few more have self-proclaimed that they are the greatest.  I want to be the greatest at something.  Michael Jordan being the greatest at basketball is almost a consensus, although you could make a case for Wilt Chamberlain.  Lil Wayne and Jay-Z both proclaim that they are the best rappers.  I think that since Jay has more record sales, more #1 singles, and more #1 albums than even the Beatles that he takes the cake.  Mohammad Ali said he was the greatest.  I don't care for boxing so whatever.  So from what I've come up with basketball, rapping, and boxing are out.  That leaves a lot of options for me.  I'll need to chose something that I already have a knack for as well.  Lets see ... blowing bubbles, throwing a Lacrosse ball, eating hot foods.  There are a lot of people out there so odds are that someone is better than me at such generic things.  I need to go very specific and maybe into a category that no one has gone before.  I got it.  I am the greatest mountain biker down fire lanes in Forest Park with a matching baby blue outfit.  On second thought probably even not that.

1 comment:

  1. ha ha ha welcome to the club of ordinary people. I love how at different times throughout life, we think we are the best. Yet the older I get, the more I realize just how mediocre I am. I guess my goal now has switched from trying to be the best to trying to help make others better. If I can't be the best maybe I can help someone else on their way to greatness.
